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- ---S-tool-k.Doc
- ---
- ---Super Tool Kit (for ZZT) Documentation
- ---
- ---Copyright 1993 (C) Software Visions,
- ---All Rights Reserved.
- ---ZZT and Super ZZT are Copyrights of Epic Megagames
- How To Use Super Tool Kit v 1.1
- Text by Tony Vanvranken
- If you're programmingin ZZT, and you think, "HEY! this program only allows
- me 7 colors!!" Well worry no more!!
- Go into the game editor, and L)OAD S-Tool-K.ZZT, selet B)OARD and choose
- the board of your choice, now put the cursor on the color, or object that
- you wish to use and press <RETURN>, now load up the ZZT game you're working
- on, pretty P until the pattern is the BLACK part CLOSEST to the colors,
- and DRAW! (Spacebar, Tab, etc) Your new color is being used! If you press
- ~, then the color/object will appear in the farthest pattern to verify it
- is there. A good way to save time, is to EXPORT a board from Super Tool Kit,
- then IMPORT it into your own game, so it will be easier and faster to get
- colors, and such. I hope you enjoy this, I use it ALL the time!
- This is PUBLIC DOMAIN, no registering fee!
- Spread this around, give it to your friends, upload it on all the BBS's in
- your area, and most of all ENJOY IT!